

The School bears in mind the physical and mental age of its students when planning their football training sessions. Activities are picked that fit the developmental needs of the students, rather than trying to make the students participate in activities that are developmentally inappropriate for them.

In a game like football - players are moving around constantly and the environment is constantly changing which requires players to constantly make decisions. The game can be divided into separate, distinct areas: technique, rules and basic strategy. This sees the game as isolated components that can be learned separately in practices and reassembled later on in the game. It employs three different parts in a practice. A warm-up, the lesson and finally a scrimmage.

Students learn techniques such as passing, shooting and dribbling, tactical concepts such as spreading out, proper support, defending angles and rules such as proper throw ins, penalty kicks and so on.

Young children can't play competitive team sports. They lack the experience to understand cooperative play and the real meaning of winning and losing. Therefore, football is a way to introduce social and motor skills to young children who are just beginning to experience the world outside of home.